Thursday, January 06, 2005

Crossfire will stop hurting us...

One down, but how much more work still needs to be done. And, though this may be out there, I don't know what they are going to replace it with. What if they put on a Court TV style show and take an hour away from bad coverage of actual news and just replace it with tabloid style gossip masquerading itself as news?

Tucker temporarily unemployed? Never bad... Actual result of this change?

Time will tell.

What is really gross? The New York Times reports:

"Tucker is a great journalist and we are exploring options with him for a 9 p.m. job," said Jeremy Gaines, a spokesman for MSNBC.


And the Wonkette is right, Carlson was bad, but the show itself was even worse.

And I will post this again, too: Jon Stewart 'Crossfire' Transcript: Stewart Slams Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala

Debate Shows
CNN Will Cancel 'Crossfire' and Cut Ties to Commentator
Jon Klein, Hero to Most

UPDATE: January 7, 2005 - 6:15 AM

Mark at The Moderate Liberal has compiled quite the link library on the Stewart/Crossfire Chronicles...

Jon Stewart Wins

I love Jon Stewart and greatly appreciated his Crossfire smackdown in all its honest awkwardness, but I never thought in a million years Jon would actually win that fight. Amazing.

Also, Mark uses footnotes in his blog. Genius. Makes us all look like slackers.

UPDATE: January 8, 2005

Steve Gilliard touches upon something that is often overlooked when looking at media issues these days...

The reason people like Howard Stern and Jon Stewart are heroes is simple: they have honest opinions, not manufactured ones. Not ones to get ratings alone. They actually have thoughts which go beyond the happy smile.

We want debate, not spin. We need debate. Informed debate on real issues. And talking chimps like Tucker Carlson can su... Sorry, I want to say it, but I think we need to elevate the debate.

Thank you Steve for saying what you said. It is such an obvious truth that is so easily over looked.

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