Tuesday, November 06, 2012

2012 Election: Yes, I Did!

November 6, 2012.

Yes, I did.

vote66550_3363716990708_597740123_nHow we do it in Oregon! (Well, if we didn't mail the damned thing weeks ago)






Beware: Posting a Picture of Your Marked Ballot to Facebook May Be Illegal - Rebecca J. Rosen - The Atlantic:

Want to share your vote with the world? Don't do it by photo unless you are sure of the laws in your state.

Here's to a little civil disobedience!

These laws are important in polling places, where showing a filled out ballot to another person can be seen as campaigning or even voter intimidation. Taking a picture of a ballot at home? Harmless.

PS:  This fellow lost last night.  Seems like a fine person, but there were some concerns that he’s be messing with voting rights.

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