Sunday, December 26, 2004

Social (In)Security…

The Social Security issue has always been strange for me. As someone in their early thirties, it has always seemed like an issue outside of the scope of my concern. Sort of like rooting for a major league baseball team when you live in Butte, Montana: it can be a fun sport to watch, but without a hometown team, it remains a bit removed and there is no “personal stake.”

Social Security does not feel outside of my scope of concern because the benefits are, knock on wood, thirty years away. It feels irrelevant to me because every since I was a teenager, I have never expected Social Security to still be available for my generation when we reached retirement age.

Because of this, I have never really dug deeper into Social Security than the “headline” level… I pick up the gist of the debate from sound bites and headlines, but avoid participating in any in-depth discussions or debates.

So, pretty much my thoughts on this current round have been… Giving the public control over investing their “accounts” on the stock market is about as wise as loaning your I-Pod to a heroin junky who is desperate for their fix.

I also read, somewhere along the line, that privatizing Social Security would take billions off of the national debt, so there is the sly, machiavellian angle the Administration is approaching this issue from.

Details, though… Here I am weak.

Today, I saw a post by Atrios that inspires me to take a closer look at the Social Security debate.

He writes:

Look, this is our issue. This is one we should be confident about winning -- perhaps not the legislative battle, but the '06 election. Democrats shouldn't be running scared from this, they should be salivating at the prospect of being handed a gift on a silver platter. They just need to be a bit smart.

He provides a couple of links that look at Rep. Harold Ford’s probable jump to the Republican side of this debate.

If Atrios is right, than this issue moves from the periphery, from being political background noise, to being very close to the heart of my political interests.

It is time to take a closer look at the issues emerging in the Social Security debate.

Tone Deaf

Sammy Glick on the Hill

Dear Congressman Ford

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